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Global HR Service Process Alignment

We collaborated with a multinational client across 12 different locations worldwide to standardise localised HR processes. By aligning these processes with a centralised master framework that complemented best practices, we ensured consistency, efficiency, and compliance across all regions. The result was a streamlined global HR operation that enhanced overall performance and employee satisfaction.

The Challenge

Our client faced considerable challenges with their localized HR processes, which varied significantly from one region to another. These inconsistencies led to inefficiencies, compliance risks, and reduced employee satisfaction. Our task was to create a unified, streamlined HR system that maintained regional relevance while promoting global consistency.

Our Approach

To tackle this complex challenge, we implemented a multi-phase approach that focused on thorough analysis, strategic alignment, and meticulous execution. Here’s how we achieved success:

   1.    In-depth Analysis and Assessment:
   •    Conducted a comprehensive audit of 230 existing HR processes across all 12 locations.
   •    Identified redundancies, inefficiencies, and compliance gaps.
   •    Engaged with local HR teams to understand region-specific needs and challenges.
   2.    Strategic Alignment:
   •    Developed a centralised master framework that incorporated global best practices.
   •    Ensured the framework was adaptable to meet local legal and cultural requirements.
   •    Established a core set of 44 streamlined HR processes, reducing the total number from 230.
   3.    Collaborative Implementation:
   •    Worked closely with local HR teams to customize and adopt the centralised framework.
   •    Provided training and resources to ensure smooth transition and buy-in from all stakeholders.
   •    Implemented change management strategies to facilitate seamless adoption.
   4.    Ongoing Support and Optimization:
   •    Monitored the implementation progress and made iterative adjustments based on feedback.
   •    Offered continuous support to local HR teams to address any emerging issues.
   •    Conducted regular reviews to ensure sustained compliance and performance.

Key Deliverables and Results:

   •    Re-modelled 104 HR processes globally to align with the new centralized framework.
   •    Reduced the total number of HR processes from 230 to just 44 core processes, significantly improving efficiency.
   •    Enhanced consistency and compliance across all 12 locations, reducing legal and operational risks.
   •    Improved overall performance and employee satisfaction, thanks to streamlined and transparent HR operations.
   •    Achieved a 25% reduction in HR-related costs by eliminating redundancies and optimizing processes.
   •    Increased productivity by 30% through more efficient and standardized HR practices.


The success of this project was a testament to our commitment to delivering customized, practical solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. By standardizing HR processes across multiple locations and aligning them with best practices, we not only enhanced operational efficiency but also fostered a more cohesive and satisfied workforce.

2024 | Quantum Consulting Group Limited

Registered in England and Wales - Company Number: 11464901

Tel: 07751 315 922

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